Baby and Toddler Sleep Solutions

Help your baby or toddler fall asleep independently in less than a week, reduce night wakings from 2+ to 1 or none, and create a stress-free nap and bedtime routine - all without crying it out.

Meet Anna

I live in Littleton, Colorado with my husband and 3 kids. My oldest son is now 4.5 years old but I still remember what it felt like when he was a newborn and we couldn’t get more than a 90 minute stretch of sleep. The severe lack of sleep greatly impacted my mental health. My experience as a first time mom is what created a desire in me to help other exhausted families!

My desire as your sleep consultant is to empower you with knowledge about your child’s sleep so that you can tackle any issue or schedule change with confidence! I believe as parents we should prioritize rest for the whole family and should especially prioritize our own mental and emotional health. I work with babies as young as 3 months old and children up to 4 years old. My approaches are holistic and hands-on.

Can you remember how many times you were up last night?

Are you exhausted from standing in the dark nursery rocking your baby to sleep?

Are you feeling confused by all the information out there regarding wake windows and sleep training?

Do you wish you had a real plan for getting more sleep each night?

Do you wish you weren’t nap trapped all day?

Are you feeling anxious about bedtime tonight or the next nap?

Does your spouse want to help, but just doesn’t know how?

Does your other child feel like you’re always focused on the baby’s sleep?

If any of these things sound like you, then LET’S CHAT! It’s more than okay to ask for help!

Client Testimonials & Reviews



Does your baby or toddler wake several times a night?

Do you feel like they should be sleeping through the night by now?

Are you wondering if their night wakings are necessary at this age?

Do you wish you knew what to do about the constant wake-ups?

Download my free guide to learn all about night wakings in babies and toddlers

Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant